
Importance of Family
Children worldwide have lost at least one parent. Of these…
Children worldwide have lost both parents.
Most of these children live with their
surviving parent, grandparents or relatives.
In Haiti

The number of orphanages in Haiti increased by 150% after the 2010 earthquake.
Only 15% of orphanages are legally registered.

The Haitian government has formally forbidden the opening of new orphanages since 2018.
In a country the size of the state of Maryland, there are more than
children living in over 750 orphanages.
Of these, over
8 out of 10
have at least one living parent.
Many are placed in orphanages by their parents or relatives just to meet their basic material needs.
Can you imagine knowing that the only way to provide your child with an education, food, and shelter was to place them in an orphanage?

Years of academic and field
research all agree…

Children grow best
in families.
Yet too often, the response is to build another orphanage to meet children’s needs instead of supporting them within their families.
Children need love, a sense of belonging,
the experience of family, and connection to
community in order to thrive into adulthood.
Wouldn’t it be best to find ways to help children access education, food and shelter from within families?
Supporting family care in Haiti is a better choice
Studies show that living in an orphanage, especially for a long time or at a young age, has a negative impact on children:
In Haiti more than 75% of children living in orphanages could be reunified with their families with just a small amount of support
Supporting a child in a family is 5-10 times less expensive than supporting a child in an orphanage

The Haiti Family Care Network provides individuals, organizations, and donors with resources and tools to promote best practice for vulnerable children, youth, and families in Haiti.
Our mission is part of a growing global movement to help children remain and thrive in families.
Adapted from Faith to Action Initiative
*Statistics provided via Lumos “Orphanage Entrepreneurs: The Trafficking of Haiti’s Invisible Children” Report