Meet our Speakers
Enel Andre, Overture Outreach International
Enel Andre is the Social/Community Development Manager at Overture Outreach International and Co-Founder and CEO of Center for Formation, Research, and Psychological Service (CFRAPS) based in the Southern Department of Haiti. Enel has extensive experience in child protection and family preservation in Haiti, especially with the Haitian government where he has worked for 8 years (2009 – 2017) as the South Coordinator for IBESR. Throughout his experience, Enel has concentrated his knowledge and efforts in helping vulnerable children and their families by preventing family separation and child abuse and neglect by focusing on the care of the most at-risk children (abandoned, victims of abuse, street children, delinquents, orphans and those separated from parents). Enel has also participated in policy reforms in Haiti. Since 2014, he has played a key role in the foster family system which has been established in Haiti, mostly in the South Department. Enel has created the most reliable and operational network of child protection partners in Haiti, the Work Group for Child Protection (GTPE-South) which includes and involves the key institutions in the Southern department working in child protection. In 2017, Enel launched CFRAPS which aims to strengthen the capacity of families and communities to facilitate the family and the social reintegration of separated children and youth with their parents. Enel holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Haiti State University and a Master’s in Social Work with focus on children and families from Andrews University in Michigan. Enel holds certificates as a trainer in child rights and child protection, human rights, family preservation, counseling, personal and community development, juvenile justice system, and foster care.
Mac Archer, Researcher
​Mac Archer is passionate about human rights and child protection services. Her goal is to use her anthropological training in ethnographic methods to work with various humanitarian stakeholders in order to conduct collaborative, informative, and holistic qualitative/quantitative research which empowers and advocates for multicultural populations. Mac was first introduced to the humanitarian sector and child protection services in 2009 during her first trip to Haiti as a volunteer. For the next three years she volunteered, worked, and lived in various orphanages in Port-au-Prince (and surrounding areas). That experience sparked a passion for educating and advocating against humanitarian projects focused on separating children from their parents (and families). Combining her passions for advocacy and education, she pursued a MA degree in Anthropology with a certification in disaster, displacement, and human rights focused on analyzing humanitarian/relief aid. She is currently a PhD student of anthropology (ABD status) at the University of Tennessee. Mac’s research explores the emotional labor of children residing in orphanages and the impact it has on their mental, physical, and emotional development.
Chandler Busby, Haiti Design Co.
Chandler Busby is the founder and executive director of Haiti Design Co. With a background in design and a passion for family preservation, she founded Haiti Design Collective in 2013 with the desire to bring about life enrichment and community advancement through job creation in the artisan sector. She is a serial social impact entrepreneur with a passion for integrative health, branding, and design. Chandler, her husband Josh, and their two kids resided in Haiti from 2012-2020, and currently live in Austin, TX.
Erika Charles, Espere Community Counseling Center
Erika Charles is the founder and director of Espere Community Counseling Center, an organization that supports mental health education, advocacy, and support services in Haiti. She earned a Master’s of Education at University of Nevada Las Vegas while teaching elementary school in an urban neighborhood with high rates of trauma exposure. Her experience there motivated her to increase her ability to respond to the needs of trauma survivors by earning a Master’s degree in International Disaster Psychology at the University of Denver. One aspect of Espere’s work in Haiti is addressing the mental health needs of children separated from their families by providing individual and group therapy to children living in orphanages. Erika’s team also gives trainings to caregivers on topics such as trauma-informed care, attachment, child development, and positive behavioral interventions. She is a strong advocate for family-based care and works to empower parents to have the skills and resources needed to feel successful at raising emotionally and physically healthy families. Erika lives in Haiti with her husband, three daughters, and a growing backyard farm.
Amanda Cox, Child Protection Consultant
Amanda Cox is a global child protection consultant with an M.A. in International Development. She has extensive experience in care reform working with governments, NGOs, and donors in order to shift practice from orphanage dependency to more holistic community and family based approaches for vulnerable children and families. Amanda is an adoptive mother of a Haitian son and has worked in and out of Haiti since 2012, most recently serving as the Coordinator of the Haiti Family Care Network.
Frédérique Jean-Baptiste, Changing the Way We Care
Program Manager for Child Protection, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/Haiti - Port-au-Prince
Frederique has a Masters in Public Health (MPH) and is a Doctor of Public Health candidate (DrPH). She has worked for many years in the child protection sector in Haiti, focused on supporting vulnerable children and strengthening families. Frederique currently leads a team of child protection professionals with CRS Haiti. As part of the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative, the team works to strengthen families and communities to ensure that children and youth remain in, or are reintegrated into, safe and nurturing family care, and to strengthen the capacity of the Haitian government to advocate for and lead a shift from residential to family care for children.
Ketty Lorval, Child Hope International
​Ketty Lorval is the Family Hope and Transition Support Services Manager for Child Hope International in Haiti. Ketty was instrumental in helping Child Hope expand their family based care practices by leading their team in the reunification of 21 children back into their families. She also helped to launch Child Hope's Transition Support Services, serving Haitian orphanages that are making the very same transition to family based care. Ketty earned her social work degree at the state university in Haiti and is currently getting her Masters of Social Work from Laval University in Montreal Canada.
Louis-Henri Mars, Lakou Lapè
Louis-Henri Mars has been actively engaged since 2007 in frontline processes related to building peace and reconciliation in Haiti, becoming in 2012 a Founding Member and Executive
Director of Lakou Lapè, a peacebuilding organization located in Port-au-Prince. Before that he was involved in the private sector managing several assembly and manufacturing plants of up to 2,500 employees. Mars has a Diploma in Business Administration from The New York Business School and holds certificates in conflict transformation and dialogue facilitation from the Glencree Center for Peace and Reconciliation out of Dublin, Ireland and from the Center for Justice and Peace of Eastern Mennonite University. He has also completed a Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program on Human Rights and Social Justice at Duke University.
Heather Nozea, RAPHA International
Heather Nozea serves as the Prevention Director for Rapha International and the Chairperson of the Haiti Family Care Network. Heather first traveled to Haiti in 2002 to volunteer with an organization working with children. She has been involved in various types of work and ministry in Haiti over the years, and in 2013 she moved to Haiti full-time to begin working with Rapha International. Rapha is a child protection organization that provides aftercare for child survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, and engages in prevention efforts in collaboration with the government and other partners. Years of working directly with survivors and seeing the effects of trauma firsthand have deepened a passion in Heather to work to protect children and to prevent them from experiencing this kind of trauma to begin with. What she has realized over the past decade of doing this work in Haiti is that strengthening and empowering families is the heart of trafficking prevention, and that is what inspired her to help found the Haiti Family Care Network. Heather has a Master’s degree in Human Services Counseling: Crisis Response and Trauma, and she is passionate about seeing children safe, protected, and thriving.
Spencer Reeves, Child Hope International
As the Executive Director of Child Hope International, Spencer led the organization through a transition from operating an orphanage in Haiti to reuniting the children in their care with their families and now working to strengthen and empower families. Spencer and Child Hope have helped to guide other organizations looking to expand their programming into family based care.
Betsy Wall, Foundation for International Development Assistance
Betsy Wall, Executive Director of Foundation for International Development Assistance (FIDA), first visited Haiti as a teenager when the infamous dictator, Papa Doc Duvalier, ruled it. In 1984, her parents, Jack and Anne Wall, moved to Haiti. Her father, FIDA founder, believed that the future of Haiti was “with those who have their hands in the soil” and began to develop resources for communities who were motivated to advance themselves economically by becoming invested shareholders in their own productive agricultural cooperative. It has become the choice of thousands of peasant men and women who testify today they now have peace in their communities. In 1999, Betsy accepted the calling to serve as Executive Director. She travels toHaiti regularly to engage directly with partners, staff and cooperative members.
Morgan Wienberg, Little Footprints, Big Steps
Morgan Wienberg went to Haiti for the first time at 18 years old to volunteer following the 2010 earthquake. In 2011 she returned to Haiti and spent half a year living alongside the children in a severely neglectful orphanage. She discovered that not only was the orphanage corrupt and abusive, but the children living in it almost all had living families. Shortly after, Morgan co-founded the organization Little Footprints, Big Steps and worked with locals to reunite those children – as well as others – with their families and advocate for their well being. Little Footprints, Big Steps empowers vulnerable families that have been separated, or who are at risk of separation, by supporting local protection authorities in building a stronger child protection network in Haiti. LFBS works to keep families together by addressing the root causes of separation and poverty through programming in child well-being and development, family and community development, advocacy of child rights, and medical outreach. Morgan has been honored with Canada’s Meritorious Service Cross Medal and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, several Governor General of Canada Academic Awards, and has been a keynote speaker at the United Nations Youth Assembly. Morgan has lived in Haiti full time since 2011, coordinating LFBS’ activities and building up a dedicated team of Haitian staff as well as a powerful partnership with local child protection authorities.